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📝 Medical Questionnaires

  CRT     Patient  

📌 Overview

As part of the AiCCESS study, in addition to collecting image data, CRT users will collect questionnaire data during the operation, and patients will fill out a check-in questionnaire after being discharged from the hospital.

❓Content-Related Questions: If you have questions about the contents of the questionnaires, please contact your care provider or study administrator.

🛠️ How to Access and Complete a Questionnaire

You can access and complete questionnaires from the capture selection in the mobile application:

⚕️Intra-Operative Questionnaire


CRT users will fill out the intra-operative questionnaire to add data about the surgical procedure, the wound, and the patient during the operation.

Users can access the intra-operative questionnaire from the mobile application after logging in by:

  1. Selecting the blue capture icon (looks like a plus sign +) at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Selecting the teal note icon (right-most icon).
  3. Selecting their patient and wound profile.
  4. Selecting "Intra-Operative Questionnaire"

🏠 Post-Discharge Questionnaire

  CRT     Patient  

The post-discharge questionnaire is intended for patients to complete alongside their regular scans after they have left the hospital.

ℹ️ Note: The CRT team may also fill out the first of these questionnaires prior to discharging the patient.

Users can access the post-discharge questionnaire from the mobile application after logging in by:

  1. Selecting the blue capture icon (looks like a plus sign +) at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Selecting the teal note icon (right-most icon).
  3. For CRT Users: Selecting their patient and wound profile. Patients will only need to select their wound profile.
  4. Selecting "Post-Discharge Questionnaire"

The questionnaire asks questions about the overall healing of the wound, including fluid discharge, temperature of the wound area, redness, swelling, pain, odor, and treatment.

❓ Need Help?

For further assistance, refer to the AiCCESS support documentation or contact your Facility Administrator.